Sweet chestnut- this is a species belonging to the beech tree family. It grows up to 25 m in height. It is characterized by an original, exotic appearance - the trunk is covered with an original greyish colour that is deeply furrowed, and has a dense, spherical crown, with leaves that are long, serrated, and change colour beautifully in the autumn, where multi-coloured spiky cases with edible fruits can be seen. Fresh chestnuts can be eaten raw (only suitable for consumption raw when very ripe), when dried can be eaten after baking.
The chestnut prefers a sunny position which is sheltered from wind. The soil should be rich in nutrients, preferably clayey and slightly acidic.Pruning could be carried out in the spring after the buds appear for the purpose of removing frostbitten branches. This shows which part of the tree is damaged and should be removed. In order to protect against frost, in late autumn the base of the plant should be covered with soil, sawdust or peat. In early spring uncover the winter mound, so the sun can gain access to the shoots.