Goij Berry- this climbing plant grows up to approximately 2 m in height. It blooms from June until the first frost, and produces flowers and fruits throughout that time. The fruits are elongated and red. They grow to about 2cm in length. They can be eaten directly (keeping in mind that they must be ripe), or dried with the leaves, and used for brewing tea.
The Goji Berry likes a sunny or semi-shade position. It will grow happily in almost any free draining soil. It is fully frost hardy and resistant to drought and air pollution.This berry requires rather hard pruning in April. The main aim is to rejuvenate the plant and achieve regular fruiting. In principle, twigs should be removed that are: twisted, too dense, old, and root suckers. Before the onset of winter it is good to cover the base of the plant with mature compost, which in winter will protect the roots from frost, and in the spring uncover and spread the compost around the plant, which will provide nutrients.