Black currant is a shrub with strong growth. The fruit ripens evenly at the end of July. They are medium to large, firm, and gathered in large clusters. The taste of the fruit is sweet/sour, and is considered to be extremely tasty.
This plant is best positioned in a warm, sunny to semi-shaded place. It grows well in almost all soils, except soil that is high in calcium. The ideal soil should be light and fine, deeply dug, and rich in organic matter. The optimum pH should be in the range of 6.2 - 6.7.After planting, the black currant shoots should be pruned to 3-4 bud eyes above the ground. In the year after planting, the young shoots should be pruned to a height of 40-50cm so that they will begin to branch out. In the fourth year after planting, to rejuvenate the plant and to maintain the continuity of fruiting, cut (at ground level) all four year old shoots. The strongest young shoots should be left, 4-6 one year old, and 3-5 shoots that are two or three years old. After pruning there should remain only 8-10 shoots that are 1 year to 3 years old. When pruning the shrubs regularly every year, remove only 5-6 older shoots at one time (about 20% of the whole plant). For fertilization, use mainly organic fertilizer.