Biała z Juterbog- this is one of the most valuable varieties, and is perfect for commercial use, as well as in home gardens. It bears fruit abundantly. Fruits are large with highly translucent seeds. Their taste is sweet and sour. Harvest in the second half of July.
This plant is best positioned in a warm, sunny to semi-shaded place. It grows well in almost all soils, except soil that is high in calcium. The ideal soil should be light and fine, deeply dug, and rich in organic matter. The optimum pH should be in the range of 6.2 - 6.7.After planting, the white currant shoots should be pruned to 3-4 bud eyes above the ground. Further pruning should be executed in the fifth year after planting. The white currant bears fruit on 1-2 year old shoots, and also on 5-6 year old shoots, or on short shoots, so on a properly trimmed bush there should always remain about 10 shoots from each year. One year old shoots should be shortened by 1/5 of the length. This procedure should be carried out between March-April. The stems should be removed from the bush evenly (both from inside and from the outside), starting from the weakest, badly positioned, noticeably diseased, damaged, crossed or frostbitten. In the case of more mature plants, in spring remove all shoots that are diseased, broken, or dead. For fertilization, use mainly organic fertilizer.