Shrubby cinquefoil

Potentilla fruticosa


Shrubby cinquefoil - this is a small, densely bushy rounded shrub. It grows up to 1 m in height. The main attraction are the dark green, stemless pinnate leaves consisting of 7 on one leaflet, that are hairy on both sides. This shrub starts to bloom in June and continues until October. Flowers grow on the ends of the stems. They are a vivid dark yellow, relatively large, with a radiant crown consisting of five overlapping petals.


This shrub prefers a sunny spot, and grows best on sandy loam soil that is light and free draining, with a slightly acid to neutral pH.

This plant does not require a lot of care, but regular pruning of shoots (about 1/3 of the length) after flowering is recommended. Remove the old, diseased, dry and crossing shoots (once every few years in early spring) this will give a compact and nicely dense plant shape. This shrub is extremely resistant to drought. In addition, it is resistant to frost and air pollution.
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