Helvetica is a very attractive variety of willow with very hairy shoots. The diameter of the crown is about 1 m. The leaves are silvery/white in colour, and even in summer it stands out beautifully from other green plants. The silvery catkins appear just before the leaves, in March / April. Due to its size it is ideal for planting in small gardens.
Easy to maintain, but a lot of water and light is essential for lush growth. It thrives in all types of garden soil, and it is very resistant to air pollution. Grows well in industrial areas and cities. It is frost resistant, and does not require protection in winter.In the first year, immediately after blooming and before the leaves show, prune the shoots very vigorously leaving only a few buds at the base of the branches. In this way you can achieve density within the tree. Pruning can be repeated during the growing season, but no later than July. In the following years the shoots can be pruned to the length you want. Strong spring pruning, carried out immediately after blooming, rejuvenates the plant, and allows it to maintain its umbrella shape. Due to this process you will have many long shoots that will bloom profusely the following spring.