Kilmarnock - this is one of the earliest flowering willows in Poland. A few days of good weather (above zero) in February is enough to make the buds emerge silvery-white and fluffy. During flowering, golden pollen appears, and catkins take on a yellow colour. After blooming the shoots begin to grow large, matt-green leaves that are wrinkled, and underneath are covered with white and grey hair. Beautifully presented when planted in exposed places, next to water, or in the company of perennials blooming in early spring.
Easy to grow, but a lot of water and light is essential for lush growth. Prefers fertile soil. It is very resistant to air pollution, grows well in industrial areas and cities.In the first year, immediately after flowering and before the leaves show, prune the shoots very vigorously leaving only a few buds at the base of the branches. In this way you can achieve density within the tree. Pruning can be repeated during the growing season, but no later than July. In the following years the shoots can be pruned to the length you want. It is advisable to support the tree with a stake (especially for young specimens) to allow the willow to grow vertically. Strong spring pruning, carried out immediately after flowering, rejuvenates the plant. Due to this process you will have many long shoots that will bloom profusely the following spring. Resistant to frost, does not require protection for the winter.