Magnolia Soulangeana-the is the best known and most widely planted variety of this beautiful shrub. Its bark is smooth and grey. The leaves are green, obovate, slightly rounded at the top, and at the base narrowed, reaching up to 20 cm in length, and 14 cm wide. The flower buds are charming- silky, with silvery hair. However, the biggest attraction are the flowers - large (10-15 cm), goblet-shaped, with overlapping petals, white on the inside, and pinky-red on the outside.
This shrub is best planted in a sunny position, sheltered from wind. The plant prefers fertile, fresh, humus soil, rich in nutrients and slightly acidic (pH of the soil: 5.0-6.0).Magnolias cannot be allowed to dry out, and in the absence of rainfall it is necessary to supplement the shortage of water. It is recommended to mulch the ground around the plants. In addition, it is worth backing this up every so often with a complex fertilizer designed for plants that like acidic soil. In winter the roots should be protected by piling earth at the base of the plant, and a covering of agricultural fleece. It is not recommended to dig or compact the soil around the plant because of the shallow root system.