Nabila is an extraordinary dessert variety of strawberry, which fruits abundantly. The fruits are large and medium-sized with a regular conical shape, pleasant aroma and unique flavour. The skin has a slight sheen, which is intensely red over the entire surface. The flesh is sweet, very juicy, and extremely tasty.
This plant is best planted in a sunny position. The ideal soil should be fertile, rich in humus, sufficiently aerated, with a well-balanced water supply. The optimum pH is in the range of 5,5-6,2.Before planting the strawberry, the soil must be thoroughly weeded, especially regarding dandelion and couch grass. To Increase the amount of humus and significantly improve soil quality, use plenty of compost. Strawberries should be planted so as not to overwhelm the base of the leaves with new buds. In late autumn protect the plants from frost by mulching with straw. The following year in the spring, the strawberries should be fertilized with a multi-component fertilizer, preferably in liquid form.