China Chiffon exceptionally beautiful variety of Hibiscus syriacus. The shrub grows slowly, reaching up to 2.5 m in height and approximately 1.5 m in width. Stiff sprouts, going up. Covered with dark green ornamental leaves with distinct teething. In the autumn the leaves change their colour into intense yellow. It blooms long - from the end of June till the beginning of October. China Chiffon flowers are very large (they reach up to 6 cm in diameter), light pink with darker claret-coloured centre. Their shape is very similar to Hybiscus flowers. The shrub look perfectly individually or grouped with other plants.
It is recommended to plant it in the sun or shield from any wind. Hibiscus syriacus requires fertile well-drained and sub-acidic ground. Sandy soil with compost is the best one.
Hibiscus syriacus requires constantly damp soil, thus it is necessary to water it during a period of drought. The plant should be fertilized with compound fertilizers for ornamental bushes. Cutting is not required but it contributes to high blooming of the shrub. Cutting should be performed in the spring. It should be made over the bud turned towards the outside. In order to protect it against freezing, in late autumn raise a small mound made of soil, sawdust or peat on the root system, whereas cover sprouts with thick fabric or straw matting.