Issai- this is a very attractive decorative climber, which produces extremely tasty and healthy fruit. The fruits ripen in late September and October. They are green/yellow in colour, with a length of 2.5 cm. Their flesh is green, very fragrant and sweet. Growing strongly up to 4 m. This variety produces fruit abundantly 2-3 years after planting.
This climber does not require a lot of maintenance. It likes a warm position, sheltered from wind. During the growing season the plant needs a lot of water. It prefers fertile soil that is moist and free draining. The optimum pH should be in the range of 5 - 6.5.If you would like the kiwi to be very decorative, prune the stems that have become too dense or too long, and if you would like the plant to fruit abundantly then hard pruning is advised. Keep in mind that only 2 and 3 year old shoots will give fruit, and the flower buds are most likely to form near the seventh or eighth leaf, on the previous year's growth. From January to February the strongest side shoots should be reduced to 8-10 buds (these shoots will produce fruiting shoots the following year). Next winter cut from 30% to 70% of fruiting shoots, leaving a fork at the base of the new branch. In summer, remove stems that have become too dense.