

Harnaś - is a cultivar which develops very big and delicious fruit. It is beautifully coloured with light yellow peel and red blush. It has got sweet pulp and aromatic fragrance, which gives us a chance to enjoy the perfect taste of this well-liked cultivar of fruit.


Preferably the trees should be planted in full sun and should be sheltered from the winds. It should be also remembered that the soil must be well-drained and fertile; its pH value should be kept between 6,5 – 7,0.

In order to obtain rich fructification in the first year you should do the shaping directly after planting by pruning it 20 centimetres above planned boughs. The rest of branches should be pruned by reducing their length up to 1/3. It's best to prune peach trees every spring. You should also remember to spray peach trees in early spring, before so called leaf curl begins. This cultivar does not require any pollinators.
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